My most immediate confidence boost would come from wearing an edgy, fashion-forward ensemble and styling my hair into Victoria's Secret waves for my interview... but then that would be considered distracting and unprofessional. Who says doctors can't be expressive with their outfits? Even then, we're going to have to do a lot of walking around during the tour, and it might be rainy and cold over there.
Inner self vs. outer practicality... not worth the risk at this point. I guess I'll have to reign in the fashionista this time.
Inner self vs. outer practicality... not worth the risk at this point. I guess I'll have to reign in the fashionista this time.
My plan at this point (because I really don't want to wear black slacks...):
Strict Interview by lea281
Question : Can you wear tan/brown shoes with black tights? I can't quite decide.